All Articles: Notable Address
48 Articles
- Speeches
Reflections at the Goucher College Inauguration of President Jose Antonio Bowen
What a privilege to be invited to celebrate this extraordinary moment for this community. For 130 years Goucher College has carried forward the distinctive tradition of the…
April 24, 2015
- Speeches
Reflections Upon Receiving Sophia University’s “Esteemed Friend” Honor
It is a profound honor for me to be here today and I wish to express my gratitude to: for this very special moment for me and Georgetown University. It was just over a year ago…
November 19, 2014
- Speeches
Reflections on the Life and Legacy of Nelson Mandela
It’s truly a privilege to be with you this afternoon. I wish to thank the many members of our community who have come together to help us celebrate Mr. Mandela’s life and…
December 11, 2013
- Speeches
Reflections on the Life and Career of Dr. Mitchell Spellman
It is a humbling experience for me to be here this morning to offer these words of appreciation for the life of Dr. Mitchell Spellman. I wish to express my most profound…
November 23, 2013
- Speeches
Remarks at the Launch of ‘Designing the Future(s) of the University’
It is a privilege for me to be here with you today. Under the leadership of Bob Groves—as well as Randy Bass—our community is embarking on a very exciting journey and I am…
November 20, 2013
- Speeches
McCourt School of Public Policy Foundation Exercises
This is an extraordinary moment for a university community. It is not often we determine that in order to be true to our mission we need to take the step of establishing a new…
October 8, 2013
- Speeches
The “The Francis Factor:” Launch of the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life
Thank you very much, Tom [Banchoff]. Thank you all for being here and for sharing your afternoon with us. We’re honored to have so many of you here today for the official…
October 1, 2013
- Speeches
Welcome Remarks Before President Barack Obama’s Address on Climate Policy
Good afternoon and welcome to Georgetown University. I wish to thank each of you for joining us for this very special occasion. For more than two centuries, Georgetown has played…
June 25, 2013
- Speeches
Reflections on Our Way of Being an American Catholic and Jesuit University
Thank you Kevin, for that introduction and for your leadership in our community. Thank you all for being here this weekend. I am grateful for your deep engagement with our…
October 6, 2012
- Speeches
Commonweal “Catholic in the Public Square Award” Acceptance
I wish to express my appreciation for this privilege to be with you this evening. In this room are people for whom I have the deepest admiration and most profound respect. Among…
September 27, 2012