Dynamics of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises

The Dynamics of the Spiritual Exercises is a series of ten lectures given by Fr. Howard Gray, S.J. at Holy Trinity Parish in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. The lectures provide advanced reflection on the classic text of the Exercises for men and women who serve as guides for retreatants undertaking the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. This series was produced for Georgetown by Frank Frost Productions.

Lecture 1: Presupposition and Introductory Annotations

Lecture 2: Principle and Foundation

Lecture 3: First Week: Dynamic, Graces, Direction

Lecture 4: Second Week: Kingdom Meditation and Infancy of Christ

Lecture 5: Defining Discipleship with Christ: 2 Standards, 3 Classes of Persons, and 3 Kinds of Humility

Lecture 6: Public Ministry of Christ

Lecture 7: Making an Election in the Context of the Exercises

Lecture 8: Third Week: Passion and Death of Jesus

Lecture 9: Fourth Week: Resurrection

Lecture 10: Contemplation to Attain Divine Love

About Howard Gray, S.J.

Fr. Howard Gray, S.J., has written extensively in the areas of Ignatian spirituality and Jesuit mission and ministry.  He has given a number of workshops on Ignatian topics in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, South East Asia, East Africa, and Australia.

He is currently the Assistant to the President for Special Projects at Georgetown University, Washington D.C.  Prior to assuming this role in 2007, he served in many leadership roles in the Society of Jesus including: Rector and Dean of the Weston School of Theology, Provincial Superior of the Detroit Province, Founder and Director of the Center for Ignatian Spirituality at Boston College, and Rector and Assistant for Mission and Identity at John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio.