Pacem in Terris Lecture Series

In 1963 while the United States and its allies were locked in a Cold War showdown with the Soviet Union and its satellite nations, Pope John XXIII, a peacemaker of extraordinary influence, issued the encyclical Pacem in Terris, “Peace on Earth.” In this seminal document for world peace, Pope John XXIII called on all peoples to respect the human dignity of all persons and to begin an authentic dialogue in the quest for peace and human fulfillment.

The Conference

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Pacem in Terris, Georgetown University hosted a conference on April 12, 2013, “Human Dignity in World Affairs: Celebrating Pacem in Terris and its Legacy.”

Conference details

Archive of Speeches

Inspired by the vision of Pope John XXIII, the Georgetown University community examined issues and prospects in the global imperative for peace with a series of presentations by distinguished scholars, religious leaders, and human rights activists from around the world.

Speeches from 2003 – 2004

Speeches from 2004 – 2005

Speeches from 2005 – 2006

Ka Hsaw Wa, founder of EarthRights International, and Muhammad Yunus, Founder of the Grameen Bank, also acted as speakers in this series.


Georgetown University’s Pacem in Terris lecture series was sponsored by: