1517-2017: Lutherans and Catholics, Then and Now

The conference, “Lutherans and Catholics, Then and Now,” was held September 14 to 15, 2017, at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Wittenberg or Lutheran Reformation. It provided a meaningful opportunity for Lutherans and Catholics to reflect together on the momentous theological, historical, cultural, and global implications unfolding from the events surrounding the Reformation and in the five decades of dialogue since the Second Vatican Council.

Welcome and Keynote Presentations

Ecumenical Service of Word and Song for a Common Commemoration of the Reformation 

What Is Distinctive about the Fifth Centenary of the Lutheran Reformation?

Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue: Accomplishments and Challenges

Martin Luther, Ignatius of Loyola and (the) Catholic Tradition

Teaching the Reformation after 50 Years of Dialogue: A Panel Discussion

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