Supporting our Undocumented Students
Dear Members of our Georgetown University Community:
This morning, the Department of Homeland Security announced that it would move to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). This is an unconscionable decision affecting eight hundred thousand young people around our country, including students right here at Georgetown.
Earlier today, I had the opportunity to spend time with many of our undocumented students and reaffirm our deep commitment to them. Joining me for that meeting was Arelis Palacios, who directs our undocumented student services. She provides ongoing care and attention to our students as we work through this difficult moment together. I wish to share a few ways that our University is supporting our young women and men:
- We have partnered with Catholic Charities Immigration Legal Services to provide free legal support to our undocumented students. Information on these services and other resources can be found at
- As a University, we have and will continue to strongly advocate for a permanent legislative solution that creates a path towards citizenship for undocumented students. Many of our statements of support can be found at
- During our Council of Advisory Boards Fair this weekend, hundreds of our students continued their efforts to gather signed letters to members of Congress urging them to support legislative efforts to protect our undocumented students.
Additional information about our University’s efforts can be found at Should you know of students needing support at this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to We will continue to welcome students of all backgrounds to our campus without regard to their immigration status.
We have the capacity, and responsibility, as a nation to provide a permanent legislative solution to support our undocumented students. These are extraordinary young people who are part of the fabric of our nation—the only home that they have known. We must find the moral imagination to care for them and work together to assure their safety and wellbeing.
John J. DeGioia