Community Messages Archive

End-of-year Gratitude

Dear Colleagues:

As we enter the holiday season, I wish to offer my deepest gratitude and appreciation for all that you have contributed to our University this past year.

Yesterday evening, we gathered virtually to share in our annual Christmas Tree lighting and to celebrate the end of our Fall semester. This evening, our Jewish Chaplaincy is hosting a special virtual Hanukkah celebration. These are special times for us to be together, and to continue those traditions that remind us of the exceptional community that we share.

The effort of our community to respond to the pandemic over these past months has been extraordinary. The care that you have shown, the resilience that you have demonstrated, and your commitment to service has helped to bring out the very best in us. Working together, we have been able to become a stronger community.

This holiday season brings a unique set of challenges and I hope that, in these days ahead, each of you is able to find moments of consolation and comfort.

In appreciation and gratitude for our University community, we will be adding three additional holidays to our calendar this year: Monday, December 21, Tuesday, December 22, and Wednesday, December 23. Our Human Resources website has more details on these additional days off and also provides information on an extension for taking the Fall Floating holidays, for those who have not yet taken these days.

We look forward to the new year in hope and gratitude. I could not be more honored to share membership in this community with all of you.

You have my very best wishes for safe and joyful celebrations this holiday season.

With my deep appreciation,

John J. DeGioia