All Articles: Speeches

67 Articles


School of Foreign Service in Qatar – Inaugural Commencement

Thank you Jim for that kind introduction.  And thank you to Their Highnesses, The Emir, Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, and Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser al-Misned, who’ve…

May 9, 2009


Student Town Hall Meeting on Satire, Diversity and Intellectual Excellence

There has been considerable discussion over the past three weeks in our community following the annual April Fool’s Day issue of The Hoya. This follows upon nearly a year of…

April 20, 2009


Student Town Hall Meeting on the Implications of the Financial Crisis

I am very grateful to you all for coming out tonight. I know that this is a particularly demanding time of year, with mid-terms coming right up against the beginning of Spring…

March 2, 2009


Catholic and Jesuit Education in a Changing World: Lecture at Ateneo de Manila University

Introduction It is wonderful to be back here in Manila. When Fr. Nebres invited me to participate in this conference, there was never a question of my coming. First, to be with.…

January 24, 2009


Signing Ceremony for Center for Transnational Legal Studies — London, UK

It seems fitting that we engage in this historic opportunity in this historic setting—and it’s appropriate that we sign what is very much a landmark document in what was once…

October 28, 2008


Queen’s University Belfast Honorary Degree Ceremony: The Role of the University in Fostering Interreligious Understanding

Thank you Vice Chancellor Gregson… Chancellor Mitchell…the entire Queen’s University Family… It is truly a privilege to be here with you this evening, and I am deeply…

September 26, 2008


Defining the Challenges, Embracing Leading Solutions: Remarks at Notre Dame’s Annual Athletic and Academic Retreat

It is an extraordinary honor for me to be here today and to share this moment with all of you. My name is somewhat deceiving. DeGioia is a Neapolitan name – my father’s…

August 18, 2008


Yale Center for Faith & Culture Conference: Social Justice, Human Development and the Role of the Academy

I wish to extend my sincere appreciation to His Royal Highness Prince Ghazi, to Dean Attridge, to Professor Miroslav Volf and to Reverend Joseph Cumming, for our days here…

July 31, 2008


St. John’s Medical School Commencement in Bangalore, India: Globalization, Social Justice and “Care of the Soul”

Thank you for that kind introduction. And thank you all for the extraordinary welcome you have given me on my first visit to India. I can certainly understand why local legend…

March 4, 2008


Security and Globalization: Remarks at the US State Department

All of us are aware that nations are more interdependent, individuals more interconnected, and humanity less divided by narrow domestic walls. And as nations and peoples become…

November 14, 2007