Community Messages Archive

Save the Date: Class of 2020 Commencement (Law)

Law Class of 2020

Dear Members of the Georgetown Law Class of 2020:

I write to you with an update on our plan to honor and recognize your class. Our entire campus community has been awaiting the opportunity to commemorate your many achievements.

In keeping with the University’s commitment to provide a university-wide commencement experience, I am pleased to announce that we plan to host a Commencement ceremony during the weekend of May 28 and 29 of 2022 to celebrate the Class of 2020 and to provide an opportunity for graduates to reconnect with one another.

Last April, Dean Treanor shared a save the date for a special celebration weekend just for Law Center graduates from the classes of 2020 and 2021. This celebration will take place in-person during the weekend of June 3, 2022. You are welcome to attend one or both weekends.

All attendees will be expected to adhere to Washington, D.C.’s public health and travel guidance and University policies at the time of the events. We are hopeful that with public health conditions improving and fewer restrictions in the region, it will be possible to plan for a traditional commencement experience.

While there are many details forthcoming, I wanted to share the date as soon as it was confirmed to support the necessary planning and travel for you, as well as your families. You will continue to receive updates as additional details are finalized. I am deeply grateful for your patience as we worked to finalize the dates and look forward to celebrating your achievements as fully as we had all hoped for in 2020.

I look forward to welcoming you back to the Hilltop to celebrate your achievements.

You have my very best wishes.


John J. DeGioia